Are you giving your sweetheart chocolates for Valentine's Day? If so, your gift may actually be much bigger than the decadently sweet treat itself. It's widely known that eating green leafy vegetables improves eye health. But here's some news we fell madly in love with: chocolate can enhance eye health too!
Scientists at the University of Reading in England found participants who had eaten dark chocolate before vision tests performed better. It seems cocoa improved their ability to read lower contrasted letters. The hypothesis is the chocolate increased blood flow to the retina. The increased blood flow to the retinas is because dark chocolate has high concentrations of flavonoids. Italian researchers have also found that individuals consuming larger amounts of cocoa had enhanced hand-eye coordination. Eye-opening info indeed.
Chocoholics everywhere are celebrating this news. But we want you to note: not all chocolate is created equal. Chocolate closer to its natural form, with less sugar added is the route to take for health benefits. Why? Higher cocoa content. The higher the cocoa content, the healthier the chocolate treat. Chocolate with a cocoa content of 70% or higher is what you want.
And here are a few additional heartwarming facts! There are many other health benefits to eating dark chocolate. They include:
1. Lowering blood pressure
2. Stimulating endorphin production
3. Easing stress and depression
4. Boosting overall heart health
So we suggest you go buy some delicious premium dark chocolate, pair it with a flavonoid-rich red wine, and enjoy your Valentine's Day cuddled with your special someone. Is there anything more romantic than looking out for the one you love?